Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Ramblings and Observations of a Harried Mom

A certain someone has been plaguing me for sometime to post on this blog he so kindly established for me. Unfortunately, he did it at a time where I strangely lacked for something to say.

Alas, I'm not sure I have much more to say today -- and so, I'll take the oppty to talk about the wonderment of the perspective that children bring. A few weeks ago, we went outside to a star-filled night. When we pointed out the stars to our kids, my 3-year-old daughter responded definitively, "Those aren't stars. They're dots." Considering the only presentation of a star she'd ever seen was a five-pointed, perfectly formed figure, I realized how right she was!

And then, just days ago, she asked me to come into the bathroom with her (after she had already used the facility). When I asked why, she responded, "I want to see how many my feet are." Translation -- she wanted to be weighed on the scale. Since her feet are what touch the scale, what a natural connection to make.

And then there's our rambunctious and always questioning 5-year-old. We went into Target (yes, it is probably my favorite store) while he was under the weather. We hadn't made it to the doctor yet to confirm what was wrong, so I asked him not to touch anything and to only hold my hand so he wouldn't spread germs. We were walking along, when he suddenly stopped me and said, "Mommy, if I touch your hand and then you touch other things, you'll spread my germs." Again, he was right, so he switched to holding my arm. And just yesterday, while trying to get out of the house to the dentist in the morning, he observed that we are "always rushing." How true that is. And how do we change it?

Even when I leave plenty of extra time, the unexpected unearths, and alas -- we are running behind yet again. Is it the harried mom or the easily distracted children -- both??? Don't know, but I think we are all tired of being chronically in a state of rushing.

For those of you interested in more posts, feel free to prompt commentary with any questions on which you'd like a female, Gen x perspective. I have one question raised offline on why women have big purses that I'll explore next time.

Are you happy, Hirp?